The problem with marketing-based crimes is that criminals aren’t going to stop. This is why the crime-tracking app “Crime Lab” is currently being used to catch criminals.
Crime Lab provides a user interface for the user to record the criminal activity and then send it to a central database. As crime becomes more and more prevalent, Crime Lab is used to find more and more data to help law enforcement understand the crime scene. The data is then sent to the public to help us understand crime trends, which in turn helps us solve crimes.
If we were to use Crime Lab to solve a crime, it would look something like this:
"I saw a man in a red shirt walking down the street, so I decided to go over to him and ask what he was doing. I ended up running into him in traffic. He was a bad guy. I decided to take him out. I took out 2-3 people and got away with it.
When you think about the things that can be found in the world, it's easy to get excited about them and want to be a detective, or maybe even a cop, or maybe even a lawyer. What you don't realize, however, is that there are so many things that aren't there, and they could be, in the blink of an eye. I remember a time where I was driving down my street one day to pick up my son, who was visiting from out of town.
Driving down my street one day to pick up my son, who was visiting from out of town.
As a parent, I was constantly bombarded with questions about my son, his whereabouts, and what I could do to make sure he got home safely. This was not only to confirm that he was all right but also to make sure that he wasn't being taken advantage of, which was so common. I became so wrapped up in my quest to find a new way to keep my son safe that it almost seemed as though there really was a conspiracy to take my son away.
So many of us are guilty of this. It didn't seem to matter where my son was, or which crime I was taking them on, I couldn't help but be consumed by the desire for them to get caught. Because every child of mine is innocent of a crime, it was practically impossible for me to stop thinking about them. I started to believe that there was an outside world out there that knew about crimes and that they had already been caught.
You may be thinking, "what are you talking about?
I've never heard of this happening before." You're right. But it has happened to anyone who's ever been convicted of a crime. You are not alone. Many people have had this experience, but it is also true that in most instances they are completely innocent of the crimes they've been convicted of (or even that they were convicted at all). In all cases they were caught at the same moment it happened.