Thursday, 18 November 2021

Why You Should Forget Everything You Learned About Men


 This is one of the reasons I love writing. It’s why I’m here.

In an interview with the website Jezebel, the self-help author Dr. Laura Schlessinger said that she has been taught that men are a "disease" and a "threat," meaning that they need to be "cured." The result of such a "corrective" education is that she now knows that "men are not a disease or a threat," and instead sees men as "a gift, an asset, a great source of joy and adventure.

I have a theory about this. Schlessinger goes on to say that she has learned to “forget” that in the past, the “men who have been healed” were the “men who were in relationships with men.” She says that this has been a “huge” and “powerful” advantage and that it has helped her tremendously as it has helped men in relationships.

I think we're all a bit of a walking lesson in this.

We all know how many guys I have dated and I have no idea how many men I have dated. I know that there are a lot of guys who are like "I don't know, I can't really remember what it was like" but I can tell you the first guy I dated who was like that was a really big jerk.

I think that this is one of those cases where we don't have to answer every question. It’s a bit like a dating website where you can just choose the answers you want and skip all the other questions. I think that the right answer is to forget everything you learned about men in this way.

I've been talking about this kind of thing for a while now, but it's probably worth mentioning again. I have a lot of friends who have dated guys who were really horrible, and I think it's great that we can come to appreciate the good guys who we end up with. It's not like we have to like them or like them for them to be good or like them for them to be better than horrible.

I agree that it is hard to like someone who is horrible.


But I also think that by pretending that all you ever learned about men is that they are all “sociopaths” you are ignoring the fact that most men are not sociopaths. Yes, it would be great if all men were like you. But we are lucky to have people like that in this world.

This guy is a sociopath? Really? That was the first thing I thought as I was watching the trailer.

I think that one of the most important lessons we can learn from movies is that you should never try to be good or like them. This is particularly true if you do not know what you are aiming to achieve in life. That is the lesson that we are constantly learning from the movies. In movies, you are always supposed to be better than your enemies, but in real life, they are constantly trying to be better than you.