Wednesday, 5 January 2022

11 Can't Miss Netflix Shows on Vest


 Do you remember the time you watched a movie starring Mark Wahlberg and Angelina Jolie?

Yeah, that was a good one. If you’ve never seen it, you know how much of an ‘unstoppable force’ Mark Wahlberg is. He’s the hottest man alive right now. I’m not saying he’s the hottest, but one of the biggest stars in the world right now.

The guy with the wang is one of the most badass characters in the movie industry. He is also the most famous, and that makes him pretty hard to resist. Watching him fight off a bunch of thugs trying to steal his clothes is priceless. He's got the looks, the charisma, and he's got the sex appeal, too. But if you're one of those people who just always watch movies with Jolie, this guy is going to do some serious damage.

His name is Gwen Stefani.

She is one of the top women in the world right now. And she is a total babe. She is also the world's hottest and sexiest woman, but this dude is an absolute beast. This dude is a guy who can do just about anything. And he can do it in a way that makes you melt.

I think this is a very important moment in our lives because it shows us that we can be more than just women and men. We are more than just the sum of our parts. We are also individuals with the ability to change ourselves. We are individuals who are capable of changing the world around us.

We can be the best, and we can be the worst, but in the end, we are only a part of who we are.

Speaking of the best part of a female protagonist, this is an important time for everyone. The idea of a strong female protagonist is one that's constantly getting pushed under the rug and forgotten. No matter how much we complain about the lack of female-centric stories on Netflix, there are always some new movies and TV shows that are just as good, if not better.

The biggest reason we're watching other Netflix shows is that we were recently told to.

We just want to see them play on TV.


In the past, we've heard you complain about the lack of good female-centric stories on Netflix not being as good as the ones you like. Our list of the best shows on Netflix is one of the most popular things we've ever said. If you haven't seen us say it, it's here.

You can also search by type of Netflix show. You can search for movies, dramas, comedies, or even sci-fi/fantasy shows. The best shows on Netflix are usually ones that are so good that you can't possibly choose between them, and those that are available on the service because they're part of a show you already like.

This year we found that we could only watch a few of these shows from our couch due to the lack of good stories on the service.

The problem is that we watched so many of these shows because we found them on Netflix, but we now know that we can only watch a few of them from our couch. This year we tried to watch a few of the new shows on the service, but it was just too depressing. Like, we just had to turn it off because it was making us so depressed.

We already know that there are a lot of shows on Netflix that we can't watch from our couch. How about shows that we already love and we really only want to watch on Netflix? We've found a few that we really want to watch from our couch, so we decided to put them up for your viewing pleasure.